It was raining, everyone hid in their hideouts, the streets were all empty. Yet in the distance there could be heard a loud wet footsteps - four paws jumping on the watery ground. ''Oh how i miss my friend - WaterDog! I havent seen him for so long! I hope he wont get mad over that heh...'' said the ginger dog. While walking around, he admired the sad and depressed view of the street and the air being cold and spiky - it was so quiet, just like everyone died. When he finally arrived to WaterDogs place, he only saw total emptiness - maybe he went somewhere? And now his horror began. He made the biggest mistake in his life, by going further to the abandoned by his friend place. The dog still couldnt find his friend so he decided to go back. And now something stopped him, when he wanted to turn around to see whats blocking him, a wet rag silenced his muzzle with its chemical smell. When he tried to escape, the blackness already blinded him. Then he finally woke up by the sunlight lighting straight at his face, the ginger dog slowly opened his eyes, seeing a very comfortable place in a forest. Who could think that a kidnapper could make such a pleasure to someone who got kidnapped by them. He tried to get on his paws still feeling a little dizzy and weak, and looked around the whole place. It turned out that he is not the only one being kidnapped and there are other dogs. Suddenly he heard a loud noise from the bush, when he turned around he saw a dog with a pink fur and flowers on ear ''oh! hello there! are you new here?'' she asked ''Who... are you...?'' ''Im FlowerDog! and you?'' ''Orange...OrangeDog...'' daid the ginger one. New? So everyone arrived here by different times? It was so shocking for OrangeDog that his paws began to shake. He came back to his little bed he woke up in and noticed he had a neighbour next to him that had greenish fur. The green dog woke up because of the noise and looked at him negatively ''what do you want...?'' he asked looking at the other one ''e-eh? I...I... nothing! i only pass by...'' ''Idiot.'' said LimeDog getting up from his bed and hitting OrangeDogs face with his tail, he went somewhere else. OrangeDog noticed that he went to some other weird place, it was unusual. Didnt looked like the beds other had. What could it be?

04.02.2025 - translated from polish


The next day OrangeDog decided to explore more of the weird place he woke up in. Maybe some secret places? Way to escape? It was so interesting... After walking around for an hour, he got frustrated. Nothing new, nothing interesting... But one place was deep stuck in his mind. It was so wrong since it could be dangerous but the place where LimeDog came in yesterday... There had to be something cool! definitely! He made sure that no one is lurking around and went there quietly, it felt wrong, it felt bad. The thoughts couldn't escape his head. As much as he was excited, now he was shocked. All he could see was a dead body of his sister. His legs began to shake, what the hell!? He was sure that people captured his sister and she lived her best life, not lying on the ground bleeding out. He got closer, seeing that the wounds weren't new. She had to be here for at least week... The tears began to come out of his eyes as he ran away, a shadow still watching him from a long distance. He ran as fast as he could and then hid in his little comfortable bed. The horrible view still in front of his eyes... Who did this? Such a bad person... psychopath even! He couldnt stop crying, it felt so weird. His joyful life turned into a total nightmare within one day, so traumatic. After a minute the tears soaked deep in his fur and eyes began to close - it was pretty late after all. It'll be okay later, right? right...? Yeah it could be if not the glowing pink eyes infront of him in the distance. His limbs started to shake again, maybe he is hallucinating? Definitely... But they only began to get closer and closer, the weird strange feeling of it being real grew inside OrangeDog almost exploding his mind. - Please dont do that to me... - thought the ginger dog, making a dissatisfied face. He blinked few times and four claws made his face bleed. The river of blood leaked thru the whole bed-place and the pain began to crawl thru his whole body. He fainted... And then woke up. He touched his face few times seeing that his paw is all clean, it was a bad dream? Maybe some kind of warning? He looked at the place where LimeDog went to before and a cold air went thru his fur. It could be real. This place is fucked up.
